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I know that this project may be new to many of you and some of you may have never heard of me before. Well, life is nothing if not new experiences. So wasting no time, let's get to the point...


First, everything you know about warp drive, as a potentially viable concept, is wrong. Period. I don't care if you're some geek with a NetFlix subscription to every episode of the Big Bang Theory or work at NASA, becase I've dealt with all of you and every type in between. On one end, all the information you have is what you've read on the internet from sites like and everything they have is from the NASA types who are wrong anyway, and here's why:


1. Every model of warp drive is some variation of the Miguel Alcubierre's orginal idea for warp drive, utilizing solutions derived from Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity. That's the problem, as well. Although General Relativity implies various exotic ideas are possible, the down side is that they require a tremendous cost, in the form of massive amounts of negative energy and exotic matter. Right now, those are requirements beyond our reach. 


2. Lack of political will denies the appropriate funding and mind power to solve these issues. No one is getting paid specifically to get warp drive done, not even Harold White at NASA, whose Eagleworks Laboratories was funded at the $50,000 level. Although many of you have tweeted excitedly about NASA developing a "warp drive star ship" after seeing fancy artwork, that's all it is. My first repsonse was, "how the hell are they going to pay for it?!" Of course, there was no information about that, confirming that the whole affair is just a fantasy, unlike my artwork that was accepted at two space science conferences, including the International Astronautical Federation Congress, because it illustrated how to test my warp technology in low Earth orbit and described a program of development that centered on probes first, not massive starships with no means to pay for them. 


3. And why is it, I'm sure you want to know, that no one else has anything but me? It's very simple - my solution for warp drive has nothing to do with solutions from General Relativity, however, my solution is connected to the work of Einstein, just not a theory that very many are familiar with. Mine is an exhibition of Einstein's unfinished Unified Field Theory. Now I didn't do any mathematical calculations to achieve this. I was doing pure physical research and discovered the effect I was looking for and then had to figure out the reason why it was working. By researching the effects in comparison to established scientific literature, I was able to make the connection and do tests to verify it. Including pendulum, incline, gravity drops and the first of all, making full size cars move faster than they were going under their own power.


Besides, it turns out that Soviet scientist N.A. Kozyrev had the exact same idea in concept that I had although I haven't been able to actually read the paper, but I have read others by him. It was in his paper, The Way To Space, that he mentioned that by manipulating time with gravity that you could produce propulsion that would be warp drive. Now I know what you're thinking - "that's called time dilation," but I can tell that Kozyrev was thinking of something more sophisticated, which is exactly what I came up with. My system, called Space-Time Dilator Transport System (STDTS™ was originally "transmitter" instead of "transport") does not create time dilationat least not when employed in a linear fashion and it does, like Kozyrev suggested, create a gravitic effect.


Besides, it turns out that Soviet scientist, N.A. Kozyrev, had the exact same idea in concept that I had, although  I haven't been  able  to actually   read 


the paper, but I have read others by him. It was in his paper, The Way To Space, that he mentioned that by manipulating time with gravity that you could produce propulsion that would be warp drive. Now I know what you're thinking - "that's called time dilation," but I can tell that Kozyrev was thinking of something more sophisticated, which is exactly what I came up with. My system, called Space-Time Dilator Transport System (STDTS™ was originally "transmitter" instead of "transport") does not create time dilationat least not when employed in a linear fashion and it does, like Kozyrev suggested, create a gravitic effect.


4. So why haven't physicists like White and others figured out what I have. Again, it's simple - because they're scared to go beyond General Relativity. That's right. Scared. Why? Because too many of their peers might think they're getting "too close to the science fiction fringe" to quote Kip Thorne from his book, Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy.  That's right - our progress into advanced concept science and technology is reigned in by a bunch of dweebs who have intimidated everyone from Kip Thorne to Jose Natario like school yard bullies or mean girls! If I sound flippant it's because I don't have the same problems that others have because I don't do theoretical work - I do development work. I'm not a theoretical physicist, I'm a research and development engineer and as such, my job is to take theoretical ideas, figure out how to make them wrok, if possible, and then figure out how to capitalize on them.


Even Miguel Alcubierre has turned on Harold White on Twitter, referring to his work as "dubious". That is because, in part, that White has worked to get a tremendous amount of publicity with precious little to show for it. I, on the other hand, didn't breath a word about what I was doing until I had been producing large scale results for a year! White has yet to reach that level.


So, I don't care who thinks  my ideas are impossible because I can prove they work, which is all I care about. I don't need NASA approval because I have no intention of allowing NASA to have STDTS™. First, I don't like bureaucracies that don't control their own funding because they're a waste of time for me. I already squandered several years on the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program and NIAC, that was enough. Each one was defunded by the time I was ready to apply, back in the early 2000s. Second of all, I'm not dealing with any government agency, period. I might as well give STDTS™ directly to the Chinese or N. Korea since sooner or later they would hack it from any government agency that had it, or some nit wit would allow data on it to be kept on an insecure server. In any case, unlike the many examples that have been exhibited by members of the U.S. government, I take my work seriously and strive to protect it.  


Oh, and if I'm not dealing with the U.S. government, I'm sure not entertaining any alliances with any foreign governments, even if they're U.S. allies. No one. I don't need them any way. 


So, the bottom line is I have the only working technology that can be used for warp drive in the world.  I'm the only one who has the knowledge, the plan and the path to get the means to develop it in space without waiting 'til we're all dead and gone and the next generation does it. If I had $1M now, we could do a space test this year. Next year, if I had to pay it back. Most of this information was covered in a 2013 press release I had issued in September of that year. I'm just restating it here, to be on the record...


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